sábado, 3 de julio de 2010

Mueller, contundente

El delantero aleman volvio a tener una actuacion destacada y anoto un gol en el triunfo ante Argentina. La unica nota mala fue que recibio una tarjeta amarilla y no podra estar en las semifinales.

Fuente: FIFA Oficial

España sufre, Alemania arrasa

Los ibericos pasaron aprietos antes de vencer a Paraguay (1-0) y alcanzar las semifinales de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA por primera vez. Los germanos se lucieron ante Argentina (4-0). Ambos chocaran el 7 de julio.

Fuente: FIFA Oficial

Índice Castrol: como se calculan las puntuaciones

Este innovador sistema utiliza tecnologia de punta para analizar de manera objetiva el rendimiento de los jugadores en la Copa Mundial de la FIFA. Enterate de como funciona en detalle.

Fuente: FIFA Oficial

Klose y Villa rozan la leyenda

Despues de una jornada en la que Alemania y España cocinaron una apetitosa semifinal, FIFA.com señala como los delanteros estelares de ambos conjuntos europeos acarician records ostentados por astros historicos.

Fuente: FIFA Oficial

Resultados Cuartos de Final Mundial 2010. España se impone a Paraguay y ahora espera por Alemania en semis

La logica acompaño el ultimo partido de cuartos de final del mundial Sudafrica 2010 luego de la ajustada victoria 1-0 de España sobre Paraguay, sentenciado la superioridad de las selecciones europeas sobre las sudamericanas, luego de las victorias de Holanda ante Brasil y Alemania ante Argentina. Tal y como se suponia, los de Vicente del [...]

Fuente: Actualidad Futbol

Paul was right

The octopus predicting Argentina’s downfall was right. On Saturday, Diego Maradona’s team crashed out of the 2010 World Cup, thrashed 4-0 by an excellent Germany side meeting their own first real challenge of the knockout stages. A lack of creativity … Continue reading

Fuente: Hasta el Gol Siempre

Mas dura es la caida

Alcanzar los cuartos de final y caer ante un rival como Holanda en un partido igualado no seria ningun desastre para la mayoria. Sin embargo, no es el caso de Brasil.

Fuente: FIFA Oficial

Fan Fests: el poder para el pueblo

Hace frio pero Chuma esta bañado en sudor. No es de extrañar: durante las ultimas horas este aficionado ha estado dirigiendo a amigos, desconocidos, lugareños y turistas en un animado Fan Fest de la FIFA.

Fuente: FIFA Oficial

Ghana visita a Nelson Mandela

El ex Presidente de Sudafrica Nelson Mandela recibio a la seleccion de Ghana en su casa de Johannesburgo un dia despues de la dolorosa derrota frente a Uruguay en cuartos de final de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2010.

Fuente: FIFA Oficial

Resultados Cuartos de Mundial 2010. Alemania coloco en su lugar a los de Maradona

Hoy ha quedado demostrado que un grupo de grandes individualidades no conforman un verdadero equipo de futbol, hoy salio a relucir la verdadera imagen de Argentina, un equipo sin ideas, sin estructura de juego, sin variantes colectivas, y cayo sin atenuantes 4-0 ante Alemania, una verdadera seleccion de futbol. Joachim Löw le ha dado un [...]

Fuente: Actualidad Futbol

Un futuro brillante para las Estrellas Negras

Aunque tuvo en sus manos la posibilidad de superar los cuartos de final y perdio ante Uruguay en la tanda de penales, la joven seleccion de Ghana afronta un futuro prometedor.

Fuente: FIFA Oficial

Sidney Govou ficha por el Panathinaikos

El internacional frances Sidney Govou ha firmado por dos temporadas con el Panathinaikos anuncio el club de futbol que consiguio el doblete esta temporada. Leer

Fuente: Marca

Collina sera el superjefe de los arbitros en Europa

El ex colegiado italiano Pierluigi Collina dejara de ser el encargado de designar los arbitros para los partidos de la Liga italiana, pasando a hacerlo en las competiciones organizadas por la UEFA, entre ellas el Campeonato de Europa de selecciones. Leer

Fuente: Marca

Argentina vs Germany preview

With moments to go before Argentina and Germany kick off their World Cup quarter-final, you can click here if you’d like to read the preview of the match I’ve contributed to the When Saturday Comes website. Filed under: Argentine football, … Continue reading

Fuente: Hasta el Gol Siempre

Alerta ante la garra charrua

El seleccionador holandes, Bert Van Marwijk, declaro que mantendra la concentracion en sus jugadores y sostuvo que no subestimaran a los uruguayos en las semifinales por el titulo.

Fuente: FIFA Oficial

Atribuido a Sneijder el primer gol de Holanda en cuartos

La autoria del primer tanto de Holanda en su triunfo por 2-1 de cuartos de final contra Brasil ha sido otorgada a Wesley Sneijder tras el analisis del Grupo de Estudios Tecnicos de la FIFA.

Fuente: FIFA Oficial

El capitan no se baja del barco

Diego Lugano debio dejar el encuentro de cuartos de final ante Ghana por lesion en el primer tiempo, pero espera estar ante Paises Bajos. “Soy optimista y sigo soñando con lo maximo”, dice en exclusiva a FIFA.com.

Fuente: FIFA Oficial

Tabarez: "Dificil pero no imposible"

El seleccionador de Uruguay, Óscar Tabarez, declaro que el duelo de semifinales frente a Paises Bajos sera un partido muy complicado pero que en el futbol no hay nada imposible.

Fuente: FIFA Oficial

El Celtic ficha al defensa coreano Cha Du-ri

El Celtic de Glasgow ha anunciado la contratacion por dos temporadas del defensa coreano Cha Du-ri, titular con su seleccion en el Mundial de Sudafrica y popularmente conocido como 'El arma humana' por su facilidad para lesionar rivales. Leer

Fuente: Marca

Markarian, seleccionador de Peru

El uruguayo Sergio Markarian sera el director tecnico de la seleccion de  Peru de cara a la Copa America 2011 y a la etapa clasificatoria para Brasil 2014.

Fuente: FIFA Oficial

Nicaragua da las gracias a la FIFA

El viernes 2 de julio en el estadio Soccer City, el Presidente de la FIFA recibio la visita de su homologo en la Asociacion Nicaragüense de Futbol, Julio Rocha Lopez, quien le hizo entrega de una carta del Gobierno de Nicaragua.

Fuente: FIFA Oficial

El uruguayo Sergio Markarian, nuevo seleccionador de Peru

"La seleccion peruana comienza a manejar proyectos importantes, cosas de las que hemos hablado desde hace mucho tiempo que Peru debe encarar, como trabajos serios en materia juvenil, proyectos a mas largo plazo", dijo el nuevo tecnico de los peruanos. Leer

Fuente: Marca

No hemos recibido ofertas oficiales por Maicon

"Veo que se gastan cifras superiores con una cierta facilidad por jugadores que no valen lo que Maicon. Hace falta mostrar coherencia cuando se negocian ciertas adquisiciones", comenta el director deportivo del Inter. Leer

Fuente: Marca

Dutch Packs Off Defensive Brazil

Netherland's Wesley Sneijder scoring his sides second goal..FIFA World Cup 2010 Quarter Finals..Netherlands v Brazil..2nd July, 2010.

Brazil defeated by Holland

In one of the biggest upset Brazil has been knocked out by Netharlands with a scoreline that read 2-1. Brazil took the lead in the 10th minute when Robinho took advantage of some bad defending by the Dutch. But an own goal from Filipe Melo (in which the goal keeper ia an equal culprit) and a second from Sneijder, add to that Melo's supension - all these shut the door firmly on the Brazilian national team. To an extent I am glad that this Brazilian team went out of the tournament. It has nothing to do with the fact that Argentina and Spain are my favourites. But it is quite sad to see Brazil play a defensively orriented counter attacking style. Brazil can't do that, they are the pioneers of the beautiful football and they definitely have to stick to that. This defeat shows that you have an equal chance of failure while playing a defensive style as in an attacking style. Atleast playing an atatcking style, when you can will let you hold your heads held high. A triumph of Brazil in South Africa would have seen the game moving into somewhat the "Wresting Side". The irony is that, had Brazil stuck to their attacking style they could have sealed off the match in the first half, when there were utter confusion in Dutch midfield and centre-defense.

Dunga changed this wonderful South American team into something like an European team. There were always critics against his him, but he staid afloat as long as the team was winning. With this debacl, he have only one option left - leave. The second half of the match saw the Dutch side giving Dunga's boys a wonderful class on how to play the traditional European style. The Brazilian side lost their cool in the persistent fouling and play acting by Robben. I am not accusing Robben of diving, the first half saw he getting repeatedy handled out by Brazilian players, especially Pasthos. Pasthos should have send off but the Referee for some strange reason kept on allowing his kicking on Robben. Kudoos to the Dutch coach in spotting the weakness of the Referee and the second half saw Robben going down in the slightest of pretext. In the end of it all, you were left to wonder whether the defensive mindset undid Brazil. They went into the lead and was more contained in attacking on the counter. Once the equaliser came they had no idea of how to respond as they moved into a defensive hole. It looked like a repeat of what Brazil did to England in 2002, only that Brazil was in the receiving end this time.

July 02, 2010 - South Africa - Football - Uruguay v Ghana FIFA World Cup Quarter Final - South Africa 2010 - Soccer City Stadium, Johannesburg, South Africa - 2/7/10..(L to R )Uruguay's Maxi Pereira, Nicolas Lodeiro, Diego Perez , Egidio Arevalo Rios and Jorge Fucile celebrate victory.

Destiny Takes Uruguay to Semi-Final

Ok, it's quite unfair to talk about destiny in a football match. But can anything other than that explain waht happened yesterday night. This match had all the drama you can wish for. The first twenty minutes saw Uruguay over-running the only African hope left in the tournament. The next twenty minutes saw Ghan overturning the tide with some rampant attacks and finishing off the half with a Muntari goal. The second half was "The beautiful game " at its best. Attack after attack from both sides but with no end result. Then Forlan equalised the score with a screaming free kick. But the drama was not to be ended there. The match went into the extra time. In the last minute of extra time Saurez had to use his hadn to block a goal bound ball. He was rightly send off and a penalty was awarded but Gyan hit the wood work, to send a crying Saurez into a cdelebration frenzy. The penaly shoot out had it share of drama. With Uruguay leading 3-2, the Ghana player missed the kick, but was relieved to see the subsequent Uruguay penaly missing. But once the next penalty also was saved, there was no turning back for Ghana.

Fuente: All About FC Barcelona

Rosell Starts his Work, Cryuff Resigns as Honorary President

Within days of Rosell begining his tenure, the first change has happened. Media houses in Spain has reported that Cryuff has resigned from the post of Honorary President. Rosell earlier argued that the post of Honorary president is illegal as its against the constitution of the Club. He may be right but the problem is that Cryuff seems to be caught between two presidents - the current and the ex, taking revenge on each other. It was the club's mistake to award Cryuff the honorary president post, if it was illegal not that of Cryuff's. Cryuff returned his badge saying "It hurts to accept it, but it seems I'm a nuisance". That showns a deeply hurt man. What a wonderful display of our gratitude to a man who has been a legend for majority of Cules. Cryuff ealier had said that he tried to call Rosell, but he was not available. Rosell remarkked earlier that sorting out the honorary president post issues was a top priority but it looks like humiliating cryuff was a bigger priority. Many may argue that the post itself was illegal and Rosell was right in action, but the bottomline is Cryuff didn't chose himself to get elected as Honorary president, the bloody board chose that. If this is the way we treat our Legends, than what about the lesser players. It is no surprise that Rosell sees Cryuff as a staunch Laporta supporter.

Fuente: All About FC Barcelona